The Most Beautiful Ship

Feltrinelli Editore - 2013


Anna and Antonio live like jaded lovers among the roofs of Rome, even though they are mother and son. She is a meticulous woman, a single mother preoccupied with the orderly state of her apartment; he is a strange boy, friendless and obsessed with model ships.(leggi tutto)

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Anna and Antonio live like jaded lovers among the roofs of Rome, even though they are mother and son. She is a meticulous woman, a single mother preoccupied with the orderly state of her apartment; he is a strange boy, friendless and obsessed with model ships. Both dream of a life beyond. In the end, one after the other, they escape the shell-like confines of their home on the most beautiful ship. Number of characters: 11.940



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9788858851821 EPUB

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