The miraculous strangeness of being alive

Feltrinelli Editore - 2012


That one chance in a million: meeting the Author you have always worshipped while you’re on vacation in Vienna. The Author who conceived the legendary Catcher in the rye, the Author-who’s-famous-for-having-basically-disappeared.(leggi tutto)

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That one chance in a million: meeting the Author you have always worshipped while you’re on vacation in Vienna. The Author who conceived the legendary Catcher in the rye, the Author-who’s-famous-for-having-basically-disappeared. Yet, oddly enough, the place you think you’ve caught a glimpse of him is… Burger King’s. How would you deal with that? So now you must decide: would you trust your girlfriend when she says that’s just a too much of a coincidence and go on with your vacation, self-torturing yourself all the while, or turn Vienna upside down trying to find him? Numero di caratteri: 22.738.



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9788858850824 EPUB

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