The Man Who Slept in the Park

Feltrinelli Editore - 2013


Andrea is a man whose life has been turned upside down. His existence was overturned by his layoff, and now everything that he has always known chokes him, clamping his chest in a vice and preventing him from sleeping.(leggi tutto)

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Andrea is a man whose life has been turned upside down. His existence was overturned by his layoff, and now everything that he has always known chokes him, clamping his chest in a vice and preventing him from sleeping.

There is no drug that works: his only secret peace is in the routine of others, watching them in the light of day, sitting on a park bench. He dozes off like that, in the midst of strangers. But it is a secret the people he loves shouldn’t find out. Number of Characters: 10.785



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9788858851593 EPUB

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