The human factor in the transformation of Southern Italian Bronze Age societies: Agency Theory and Marxism reconsidered

Gangemi Editore - 2017


In the light of recent thinking, this is a consideration of two interconnected subjects: Agency Theory and Marxist Archaeology. It is a re-examination aimed at evaluating to what extent these theories can still contribute to the development of theoretical discussion in Prehistoric Archaeology; going beyond the limits inherent in research focussed on individuals in Prehistoric contexts to highlight the role of collective actions within Prehistoric communities as triggering factors in socio-economic transformations.(leggi tutto)

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In the light of recent thinking, this is a consideration of two interconnected subjects: Agency Theory and Marxist Archaeology. It is a re-examination aimed at evaluating to what extent these theories can still contribute to the development of theoretical discussion in Prehistoric Archaeology; going beyond the limits inherent in research focussed on individuals in Prehistoric contexts to highlight the role of collective actions within Prehistoric communities as triggering factors in socio-economic transformations. These theoretical premises are then used to analyse transformations in social organisation of the Bronze Age community that settled in Coppa Nevigata (Manfredonia – Apulia).



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9788849247930 EPUB

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