The Church of the English College in Rome

Gangemi Editore - 2016


This special publication is one of several to mark the occasion of the reopening of the restored church of the Venerable English College in Rome. It is in three parts.(leggi tutto)

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This special publication is one of several to mark the occasion of the reopening of the restored church of the Venerable English College in Rome. It is in three parts. The first section is historical, a collection of articles on subjects related to the origins of the College, its church and the significance of the Martyrs’ Picture and Martyrs’ Cycle frescoes in the tribune; the second part is photographic: a celebration in images of the finished church; the final chapters and the enclosed DVD explain the work of the architects and artists, covering divers issues from project management to the philosophy behind the chosen degree of restoration and level of intervention.



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9788849280067 EPUB

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