Same same but different: a comparison of 6th millennium bce communities in Southern Caucasia and Northwestern Iran

Gangemi Editore - 2019


The 6th millennium BCE sees the first sedentary settlements in the southern Caucasus, with small scale farming communities established in various pockets of landscape in the lowlands of the Araxes and Kura rivers. The paper takes a micro-historical approach to explore the variability within the archaeological record deriving from new research in the Mil Steppe of southern Azerbaijan Republic and compares that with the published record from contemporary Hajji Firuz in Northwestern Iran.(leggi tutto)

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The 6th millennium BCE sees the first sedentary settlements in the southern Caucasus, with small scale farming communities established in various pockets of landscape in the lowlands of the Araxes and Kura rivers. The paper takes a micro-historical approach to explore the variability within the archaeological record deriving from new research in the Mil Steppe of southern Azerbaijan Republic and compares that with the published record from contemporary Hajji Firuz in Northwestern Iran. This allows tracing hidden patterns relating to cultural traditions and habits in the use of space, preparation of food and material culture in a close-up on similarities and differences between these two closely related areas, making individual pathways and strategies visible that distinguish human behaviour in these two areas. | Il VI millennio BCE vede la comparsa dei primi insediamenti stabili nel Caucaso meridionale, con comunità basate sull’agricoltura su piccola scala, insediate in varie aree nelle pianure dei fiumi Arax e Kura. Questo lavoro utilizza un approccio micro-storico per esplorare la variabilità all’interno del record archeologico derivante da nuove ricerche nella Mil Steppe della Repubblica dell’Azerbaijan meridionale e per confrontarlo con i dati già editi del contemporaneo sito di Hajji Firuz nell’Iran nord-occidentale. Ciò consente di individuare schemi nascosti relativi alle tradizioni e alle abitudini culturali nell’uso dello spazio, nella preparazione del cibo e nella cultura materiale, mettendo in rilievo le somiglianze e le differenze tra queste due aree strettamente correlate, rendendo visibili percorsi e strategie individuali che distinguono il comportamento umano in queste due aree.



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9788849243772 EPUB

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