My Secret Rome

New Books - 2015


Soak in the waters of a spa created in a bank vault, find a naughty little shop of burlesque clothes, try a genuine Roman pizza or amaze yourself with the optical illusions of the city..(leggi tutto)

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Soak in the waters of a spa created in a bank vault, find a naughty little shop of burlesque clothes, try a genuine Roman pizza or amaze yourself with the optical illusions of the city… discover the intriguing Palazzo della Scimmia with the eternal flame on its tower, reach the heights of the Altare della Patria in a crystal lift or know the best spot to admire the sunset along the Lungotevere… You’ll find the coolest places in Rome in the pages of this book, a precious elixir of insider tips and addresses of all the best kept secrets of the most in-the-know born and bred Roman women. Culture, gastronomy, shopping, interior decoration, beauty, leisure, but also all those precious gems that no official guide would ever reveal. Yes, because for all women, Rome is also… mastering the art of walking in heels on its (in)famous cobblestones, or learning how to put make-up on at a traffic light!



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9788877425928 EPUB

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