Is Ethics Possible in Contemporary American Political Life?

Gangemi Editore - 2018


A brief exploration of the decoupling of ethical and political life in America. Emphasis is placed upon the consequences for practical political life as understood by our understanding of the place of ethics and philosophy in approaching public policy.(leggi tutto)

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A brief exploration of the decoupling of ethical and political life in America. Emphasis is placed upon the consequences for practical political life as understood by our understanding of the place of ethics and philosophy in approaching public policy. The consequences of the separation between public policy and ethical thought and conduct pose grievous hazards to America and the world. Focuses on the recent cabinet appointments of the new Trump administration, as well as the rhetoric employed to diminish the range and responsibility of one for the other expressed in the sphere of public policy and governmental operations. What the US must move toward is a moral economy where morality and economic life inform and confirm one another.



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9788849249774 EPUB

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