I’m the dream maker

Rubbettino Editore - 2020


“I am transforming the family business and I know that it is not what my parents would want. I’m not exactly following in their footsteps: by definition, they were “mattress industrialists”.(leggi tutto)

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“I am transforming the family business and I know that it is not what my parents would want. I’m not exactly following in their footsteps: by definition, they were “mattress industrialists”. I am not and never want to fall into this category again. For some time, I wanted to be, intensely. When, in December 2002, I found myself at a crossroads and had to decide whether to “betray” the family business for a prestigious job at Bosch – where I ultimately risked becoming just a “number”— or to stay there, I chose my family company Dormiflex. But now I feel that I must continue the work of transforming what I inherited from my parents, and move towards a different company model that is more appropriate to the time the economy and our sector are going through, but also more relevant to my own inclinations: a digital company, multiple languages and different countries. I feel that the time has come to break the deadlock and bet on the transformation of the company according to my own dreams, according to a plan that is becoming increasingly clear to me. The Dormiflex marathon has begun”.



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9788849866643 EPUB

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