How “National” is Social Theory? Critical notes on some worrying trends in the recent theorizing of Richard Munch

Gangemi Editore - 2017


World sociology would lose in the comprehensiveness of its perspective and the variety of its approaches to social reality if the American standardization of a professionalized discipline continued its ascendancy. European sociology needs to resist this trend just as Europe inevitably has to resist the McDonaldization of its culture as a whole in order to preserve diversity for itself and for the world.(leggi tutto)

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World sociology would lose in the comprehensiveness of its perspective and the variety of its approaches to social reality if the American standardization of a professionalized discipline continued its ascendancy. European sociology needs to resist this trend just as Europe inevitably has to resist the McDonaldization of its culture as a whole in order to preserve diversity for itself and for the world. (Munch 1991: 329). It is only in the transatlantic context of comparisons and relationships that the idea of a “European” identity can gain credence at all. (Scaff 1994: 219, 217)



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