Handbook of International Labour Law

Giappichelli Editore - 2018


The Handbook of International Labor Law is the result of the teaching and research experience that has led us to deepen the dynamics of labor law over the years in the complexity of global phenomena. Economic globalization has made international labor law far richer in implications not only in the search for adequate regulation at the global scale of production processes and the increasingly transnational dimension of the company, but also for national and supranational legal systems, relaunching, albeit with great difficulty, the value of regulating social phenomena on a global scale.(leggi tutto)

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The Handbook of International Labor Law is the result of the teaching and research experience that has led us to deepen the dynamics of labor law over the years in the complexity of global phenomena. Economic globalization has made international labor law far richer in implications not only in the search for adequate regulation at the global scale of production processes and the increasingly transnational dimension of the company, but also for national and supranational legal systems, relaunching, albeit with great difficulty, the value of regulating social phenomena on a global scale. The problems posed by globalization (competition between social systems, social dumping, regulatory deficits, increasing inequalities on a world scale, etc.) require more sophisticated and more articulated regulatory responses.
The Handbook intends to represent a guide to the paths of this renewed and more complex international labor law; a tool for study and reflection addressed both to students in their university paths oriented towards internationalization and to legal practitioners who are interested in the themes of labour rights at international context.



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