Euxit. Emergency exit for Europe

Rubbettino Editore - 2018


After the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, all the issues remain unsolved in the European Union and the populist wave is ever more pressing. There are many fake-news about the EU, which Roberto Sommella, Director of External Relations of the Italian Competition Authority, founder of La Nuova Europa, columnist for Corriere della Sera and HuffPost, honorary citizen of Ventotene, home of the namesake European Manifesto, tried to unveil in his latest book, Euxit, emergency exit for Europe.(Leggi tutto)

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After the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, all the issues remain unsolved in the European Union and the populist wave is ever more pressing. There are many fake-news about the EU, which Roberto Sommella, Director of External Relations of the Italian Competition Authority, founder of La Nuova Europa, columnist for Corriere della Sera and HuffPost, honorary citizen of Ventotene, home of the namesake European Manifesto, tried to unveil in his latest book, Euxit, emergency exit for Europe. In a crucial time for the EU, Sommella tries to counter the arguments of those who wish to return to national borders and currencies, starting from the effects of Brexit on British financial markets, with the aim of dismantling three clichés about migrants, the countries that profit from ECB policies and those who would like to withdraw after EU membership. Sommella hopes that the governments will call for a large conference focusing on three tasks: the drafting of a constitution Europe, the strengthening of the European Parliament powers and the reform of the EU electoral law to allow voter to choose directly the President of the Commission.



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