EU Funds

Egea - 2012


The European Union is reprogramming the fifth cycle of structural funds and other funding programs, They will represent a relevant opportunity for public, private and not for profit organizations non only to get additional resources for innovation, competitiveness and growth but above all to become part of transnational projects and networks to develop skills, know how and good practices.
The aim of this book is to provide to students and executives useful conceptual framework and tools to strategically use European Union funds, both those managed by EU Commissions though its Directorates General and those managed by other Institutions (at national and regional levels or by, among others, European Investment Bank).(leggi tutto)

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The European Union is reprogramming the fifth cycle of structural funds and other funding programs, They will represent a relevant opportunity for public, private and not for profit organizations non only to get additional resources for innovation, competitiveness and growth but above all to become part of transnational projects and networks to develop skills, know how and good practices.
The aim of this book is to provide to students and executives useful conceptual framework and tools to strategically use European Union funds, both those managed by EU Commissions though its Directorates General and those managed by other Institutions (at national and regional levels or by, among others, European Investment Bank).



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