Educating for Complex Thinking through Philosophical Inquiry

Liguori Editore - 2013


How can we be up to the epoch-making changes we are experiencing in our times? According to the Philosophy for Children approach we need to cultivate thinking and reasonableness through philosophical inquiry, and this should and can start in childhood. Children educated in complex thinking are the pivot of the “new-to-come” because they are educated to be “reasonable persons who try to build a world in which they want to live and who do not accept a world in which they are obliged to live”, as Matthew Lipman puts it.(leggi tutto)

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How can we be up to the epoch-making changes we are experiencing in our times? According to the Philosophy for Children approach we need to cultivate thinking and reasonableness through philosophical inquiry, and this should and can start in childhood. Children educated in complex thinking are the pivot of the “new-to-come” because they are educated to be “reasonable persons who try to build a world in which they want to live and who do not accept a world in which they are obliged to live”, as Matthew Lipman puts it.The volume collects original essays by international scholars who explore the characteristics of complex thinking on the one hand by investigating its cultivation as a method of countering dogmatism and fostering a dialogical education and, on the other, by studying the plurality of ways and contexts in which complex thinking education is articulated.The volume culminates in a section which presents a series of essays on Evaluation of and in Philosophy for Children. This section is one of the most complete, multidimensional and polyphonic discussions on evaluation, which is vital in contemporary educational scenarios.



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