Digital Employment and Industrial Relations in Europe

Edoardo Ales , Ekaterina Ribarova , Natalie Videbaek Muncholm , Gaabriel Tavits , Ruediger Krause , Attila Kuna , Marta Otto , Iacopo Senatori
Giappichelli Editore


This volume presents the results of a research project, co-funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Inclusion and Social Affairs, that addressed the “digital transformation of work” from the perspective of the regulatory functions performed by the law and industrial relations, covering the years 2019-2022. It aimed at discussing the regulatory role of social dialogue in the face of the challenges posed by the introduction of new technologies into workplace practices and production processes, by reconstructing and comparing the practices in place in seven European countries, namely Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Poland.(Leggi tutto)

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This volume presents the results of a research project, co-funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Inclusion and Social Affairs, that addressed the “digital transformation of work” from the perspective of the regulatory functions performed by the law and industrial relations, covering the years 2019-2022. It aimed at discussing the regulatory role of social dialogue in the face of the challenges posed by the introduction of new technologies into workplace practices and production processes, by reconstructing and comparing the practices in place in seven European countries, namely Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Poland.



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