Charm your Clients. Neuromarketing for Vets

Grupo Asis - 2021


Why do people buy things? What tools can we use to convince clients and sell our services? In this work, the authors offer their more than 20 years of experience working in different areas of a veterinary practice. Written with a practical approach, this book reviews the current knowledge in neuromarketing and provides advice for its implementation in the real daily life of veterinary practices.(leggi tutto)

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Why do people buy things? What tools can we use to convince clients and sell our services? In this work, the authors offer their more than 20 years of experience working in different areas of a veterinary practice. Written with a practical approach, this book reviews the current knowledge in neuromarketing and provides advice for its implementation in the real daily life of veterinary practices.



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9788417640507 EPUB

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