Acqua Ferita. Wounded Water

Gangemi Editore - 2015


Iraq’s experimental contemporary artists have never had a chance to present their work for an Iraq Pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia; the first and last major appearance in 1976 outlined only some of their “modern” artists. The Iraq Pavilion for 2011 will indeed show the world an exciting professionally-curated selection of 6 Iraqi artists from two generations, including various artistic media (painting, performance, video, photography, sculpture/installation).(leggi tutto)

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Iraq’s experimental contemporary artists have never had a chance to present their work for an Iraq Pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia; the first and last major appearance in 1976 outlined only some of their “modern” artists. The Iraq Pavilion for 2011 will indeed show the world an exciting professionally-curated selection of 6 Iraqi artists from two generations, including various artistic media (painting, performance, video, photography, sculpture/installation). [Ali Assaf, Commissioner for the Pavilion of Iraq 2011]

This publication, supported also by Major Patron Hussain Ali Al Hariri, is thus a homage to all participants in the 2011 Pavilion of Iraq, a pilot project that is the basis for the continuation of the Pavilion for the next edition in 2013 and the creation of a permanent platform for Iraqi contemporary art.



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