1 / To Balbianello

Edizioni di Sofia - 2014


Which is the most beautiful villa of Lake Como? How can I reach it on a historical steamer, knowing the wind that tousles my hair? Which song should I listen to during my trip? In this multimedia ebook, all the answers and the secrets of a quite unique IItalian site, with photo galleries, audio/video contents, interactive images and an involving story which leads us to the discovery of a true gem of the most authentic Italy..(leggi tutto)

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Which is the most beautiful villa of Lake Como? How can I reach it on a historical steamer, knowing the wind that tousles my hair? Which song should I listen to during my trip? In this multimedia ebook, all the answers and the secrets of a quite unique IItalian site, with photo galleries, audio/video contents, interactive images and an involving story which leads us to the discovery of a true gem of the most authentic Italy.



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9788863750119 EPUB

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