The Birth of the Modern Central European Citizen

Viella Libreria Editrice - 2022


This book was inspired by the picturesque Moravian town of Kroměříž, which has left an indelible mark on the history of parliamentarism in central Europe. This town saw the first attempt at nurturing the peaceful coexistence of nations within the Habsburg monarchy, based on the principles of constitutional monarchy.(Leggi tutto)

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This book was inspired by the picturesque Moravian town of Kroměříž, which has left an indelible mark on the history of parliamentarism in central Europe. This town saw the first attempt at nurturing the peaceful coexistence of nations within the Habsburg monarchy, based on the principles of constitutional monarchy.

Central to the scholars’ analyses are the themes of political and economic liberalism, the transformation from a rural peasant to an urban industrial society, and the formation of national identities and communities. These topics are all examined with an awareness of the diversity and complexity of the political, ethnic, religious and social composition of central Europe.



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