The Simplification of Debt Collection in Italy – TRAIN2EN4CE Project and Future Challenges

Giappichelli Editore - 2022


The development of the internal market of the EU and its regulation in the event of debt collection is of paramount importance for consumers’ confidence. To this aim, the European Union has adopted very competitive regulations to ensure cross-border debt collections: Regulation No.(leggi tutto)

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The development of the internal market of the EU and its regulation in the event of debt collection is of paramount importance for consumers’ confidence. To this aim, the European Union has adopted very competitive regulations to ensure cross-border debt collections: Regulation No. 1896/2006 establishing a European order for payment procedure, as amended by Regulation No. 2017/1260, and Regulation
No. 861/2007, establishing a European small claims procedure, as amended by Regulation No. 2017/1259. To these acts is devoted the Project Train2en4ce (financed by the EU-JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2018). This book is a tool to disseminate some achievements of the Project among consumers and legal specialists.

Lo sviluppo del mercato interno dell’UE e la sua regolamentazione in caso di recupero crediti sono di fondamentale importanza per la fiducia dei consumatori.
A tal fine, l’Unione Europea ha adottato regole molto competitive per garantire il recupero dei crediti transfrontalieri: il Regolamento n. 1896/2006, sul procedimento europeo d’ingiunzione di pagamento, modificato dal Regolamento
n. 2017/1260, e il Regolamento n. 861/2007 dell’11 luglio 2007, sulla procedura per le controversie di modesta entità, modificato dal Regolamento n. 2017/1259, cui è dedicato
il Progetto Train2en4ce (EU-JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2018).
Questo libro è uno strumento per diffondere alcuni risultati
del progetto tra professionisti e consumatori.



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