Paestum. From building site to temple

arte'm - 2021


There were numerous divine “dwellings” at Paestum just as there were in other Greek cities around the Mediterranean. The Temple of Neptune is simply the most well-preserved example.(leggi tutto)

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There were numerous divine “dwellings” at Paestum just as there were in other Greek cities around the Mediterranean. The Temple of Neptune is simply the most well-preserved example. Next to it stands the “Basilica”, the oldest of the three great Doric buildings at Paestum (c. 560-520 BC). Further north, beyond the Roman forum which stands on the area previously occupied by the ancient agora (a marketplace and a square, where assemblies and other meetings were held in the Greek period), a small hill is crowned by the temple of Athena – the only one for which the identity of the deity worshipped there is definitely known. [Gabriel Zuchtriegel].
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