Non contrarii, ma diversi

Viella Libreria Editrice - 2020


This book brings together a number of contributions that throw a new light on the history of Jewish communities in late-medieval and early modern Italy (15th-18th centuries). The different, monographic approaches form a homogeneous interpretation of this history, a collective and original reflection on the question of Jewish minority in a broader (Christian) society.(Leggi tutto)

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This book brings together a number of contributions that throw a new light on the history of Jewish communities in late-medieval and early modern Italy (15th-18th centuries). The different, monographic approaches form a homogeneous interpretation of this history, a collective and original reflection on the question of Jewish minority in a broader (Christian) society. Both the Christian and the Jewish sides are taken into consideration, and an important number of chapters consider concrete situations, Jewish texts and authors very rarely studied in the research on Jewish-Christian relation.



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9788833134352 PDF

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