Emerging Diseases in Swine

Grupo Asis - 2020


Emerging and reemerging diseases require a rapid and effective response from veterinary professionals and health authorities, in terms of both their identification and containment, in order to minimise morbidity and mortality rates in the affected population and limit their spread. This book, written by experts with a wide experience in the field, reviews, in a practical and concise manner, the emerging and reemerging diseases of swine of economic or zoonotic importance, as well as those with an impact that is still to be determined, but against which active and efficient epidemiological surveillance is necessary.(leggi tutto)

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Emerging and reemerging diseases require a rapid and effective response from veterinary professionals and health authorities, in terms of both their identification and containment, in order to minimise morbidity and mortality rates in the affected population and limit their spread. This book, written by experts with a wide experience in the field, reviews, in a practical and concise manner, the emerging and reemerging diseases of swine of economic or zoonotic importance, as well as those with an impact that is still to be determined, but against which active and efficient epidemiological surveillance is necessary.



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