Electrocardiography of the dog and cat. 2nd edition

Edra - 2019


Electrocardiography of the Dog and Cat (2nd edition) promises to give the student and the specialist both the practical approach of the electrocardiographic diagnosis and the depth of understanding that promotes genuine learning in a subject area that has intrigued clinicians for more than a century. The combined and varied experiences of the authors give strengths to the review of the literature, and the approach to electrocardiogram interpretation in the dog and cat.(leggi tutto)

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Electrocardiography of the Dog and Cat (2nd edition) promises to give the student and the specialist both the practical approach of the electrocardiographic diagnosis and the depth of understanding that promotes genuine learning in a subject area that has intrigued clinicians for more than a century. The combined and varied experiences of the authors give strengths to the review of the literature, and the approach to electrocardiogram interpretation in the dog and cat.



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9788821447853 EPUB

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