Italics as a global commonwealth

Giappichelli Editore - 2018


«Appare particolarmente centrato e moderno il richiamo al “Commonwealth”, che, nell’accezione riferita all’Italia e agli italiani, si stinge di ogni patina o pretesa egemonica, per assumere il senso di una offerta globale dell’italianità intesa come stile, come ingegno, come canone di buona vita, come valore umanistico».
Sergio Mattarella(leggi tutto)

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«Appare particolarmente centrato e moderno il richiamo al “Commonwealth”, che, nell’accezione riferita all’Italia e agli italiani, si stinge di ogni patina o pretesa egemonica, per assumere il senso di una offerta globale dell’italianità intesa come stile, come ingegno, come canone di buona vita, come valore umanistico».
Sergio Mattarella

«The concept of Italicità is not circumscribed by national borders, and does not coincide with the large community of Italians abroad, but is rather a cultural identity equal to those present in other regions of the world and equally widespread at the global level».
Sebastiano Cardi

«The Italici have already made the kind of cultural inroads in different countries on which cultural diversity, interaction and understanding can be built. We cannot achieve sustainable development goals without this important cultural component. The Italici can be bridge builders with their deep cultural heritage, reaching out to those countries and peoples who have special links to Italy for whatever reason».
Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser

«We realized that the idea of “population” evoked by the concept of Italicity is not the same as Italian-ness. The terms “Italici” and “Italicity” indicate a type of identity and loyalty that is not national, ethnic-linguistic (people of Italian origin who speak the Italian language) and juridical-institutional (people with Italian citizenship), but rather an essentially cultural identity».
Piero Bassetti



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