Oasis n. 26, Muslims, Faith and Freedom

Marsilio - 2018


Why this is the real issue for the future. More than terrorism(leggi tutto)

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Why this is the real issue for the future. More than terrorism

Jesus in the Qur’an and the Third Way between Extremism and Secularism • Mustafa Akyol
God’s Rights vs Human Rights: Islam under Strain • Omero Marongiu-Perria
Muslims and Free Will • Maria De Cillis
Intellectual Freedom and the Study of the Qur’an • Emran El-Badawi
The Paradox of Islamist Democracy • Michele Brignone
Tunisia: between Freedom of Conscience and Protection of the Sacred • Mohamed-Chérif Ferjani
The Eastern Christians’ Role in the Creation of a New Social Space • Salim Daccache s.j.
Islamic Monotheism and the Struggle of Opposites • Muhammad Jābir al-Ansārī

When Islam Discusses Freedom • Martino Diez
The Caliph and the Ascetic • Hasan al-Basrī
God’s Foreknowledge Does Not Constrain Human Action • Theodore Abū Qurrah
Despotism, or the Corruption of the Prophet’s Ideals • ‘Abd al-Rahmān al-Kawākibī

Tunisia: “We Want to Be Free, But Don’t Call Us an Exception” • Rolla Scolari

“Neither Liberal nor Fundamentalist” • Michele Brignone
The Crisis of the Sunni Compromise • Martino Diez
The Springs of Nonviolence • Andrea Pin
Between ISIS and the Aga Khan: Islam’s Political Theology • Chiara Pellegrino
Women Looking for Trouble (and Freedom) • Emma Neri



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