New documentation on digging techniques of the prehistoric funerary Hypogea of the Western Mediterranean

Gangemi Editore - 2017


The digging of rock-cut tombs in Sardinia underwent an important development during the 4thmillennium BC, in particular in the north-western part of the island.The subject is currently being re-examined by Maria Grazia Melis and her team through field research at S’Elighe Entosu.(leggi tutto)

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The digging of rock-cut tombs in Sardinia underwent an important development during the 4thmillennium BC, in particular in the north-western part of the island.The subject is currently being re-examined by Maria Grazia Melis and her team through field research at S’Elighe Entosu. This necropolis is composed of eight hypogea, dug between the Final Neolithic and the Bronze Age. The study deals with various themes, including the positioning of the necropolis within the landscape, the architecture of the tombs and the diverse phases of related human activity. Recently the architectural data has been updated through the study of excavation techniques employed in creating the monuments. The new information has been fundamental in understanding the articulation of human frequentation of the site and the history of the various modifications made to the hypogea. The investigation was based on the analysis of excavation or tool marks present on the surfaces of the cuts and on the analysis of tools found in Tomb IV. Experimental archaeology played an important role in the proceedings. This research has led to the creation of a database of tool-marks, the study of picks and the experimental reproduction of this type of instrument.



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9788849247749 EPUB

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