Animal resources in the Late Uruk period food practices

Gangemi Editore - 2017


A large part of consumed products in the proto-historic Near East was retrieved from animals. Most zooarchaeological analyses are based on the study of remains from animal skeletons (such as bones and teeth) and therefore reflect the consumption of meat and eventually marrow, fat and blood.(leggi tutto)

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A large part of consumed products in the proto-historic Near East was retrieved from animals. Most zooarchaeological analyses are based on the study of remains from animal skeletons (such as bones and teeth) and therefore reflect the consumption of meat and eventually marrow, fat and blood. The consumption of other animal products such as milk can be shown indirectly through the study of human skeletal remains and organic residue analysis on pottery in addition to the study of slaughtering age profiles of animals (Vigne, Helmer 2007; see also Rosenstock in this contribution).



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